Curriculum System

In terms of curriculum development, ECNU Xiping Bilingual School proposes to build a "NC+BIC+X+E" curriculum system.



NC (National Curriculum) means high-level complete implementation of the national curriculum to lay a solid foundation for students to enter domestic universities.

BIC (Bilingual Integrated Curriculum) means 15-year K12 immersive bilingual teaching to train students' ability of cross-cultural communication and understanding in the context and trend of globalization. 


X Courses

X Courses (STEM/ Art & Sport) are characteristic courses offered based on students' potentialities and personalities for the information and intelligent era and can be selected freely. X Courses include compulsory courses and optional courses. A credit system is adopted for X Courses.


E Courses

E Courses (Extracurricular Activities) are for the improvement of students' core abilities such as leadership, communication, language expression, organization and planning, striving to connect subject learning with practical activities, and create real and vivid learning scenarios. The content includes firstly a series of cultural festival activities with group participation, and secondly various club activities based on common interests and aspirations.